STULZ worldwide

AngaCom, 2024/05/14-16

What to expect

At AngaCom about 470 exhibitors and 240 speakers are taking part in the event. They are talking among others about streaming, Artificial Intelligence, smart city and smart home. So, if you’re interested in relevant topics of the future, make sure to get you a ticket.

Meet our colleagues at our Booth No. F19 to get first-hand information about your best cooling solution.

See you soon in Cologne, Germany!

Visit us

Koelnmesse Halle 7+8 /
Congress Centrum Nord
Booth No. F19
50679 Cologne

More Information

Contact the STULZ global marketing team for more information about STULZ attending: marketing(at)stulz(dot)de.


More general information about the event you can find here:

Go to event website