STULZ-CHSPL India (P) Ltd.
006, Jagruti Industrial Estate
Mogul Lane, Mahim (W)
Mumbai – 400 016
Phone: +91 (22) 6666 9056 - 57
Legal information STULZ-CHSPL (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Use of sites/web pages ("Stulz”), provided is subject to the following prerequisites and regulations including Terms of use as described below.
We do not accept any liability or responsibility for links to external web pages provided by third parties, nor for their content. Linked pages and their content are the responsibility of their operators and providers alone.
Web pages have been created with utmost care. We do not guarantee the information provided is correct, complete or up to date, nor do we accept any liability for the same.
1. The website may contain hyperlinks to the web pages of third parties, over whose content ("Stulz") has no control and influence. The respective provider or operator of the pages in question is always responsible for the content of linked pages. ("Stulz") takes no liability or responsibility for the content of these third-party web pages and does not make representations about or endorse their content as its own. The use of such web pages shall be at the sole risk of the User.
2. ("Stulz") shall have no liability for the continuous availability of the website.
3. ("Stulz") shall have no liability for defects in relation to quality and title in respect of the information and documentation provided.
4. ("Stulz") does not guarantee that the website is virus-free.
The content of our web pages is subject to India copyright law. The copyright owner retains all exclusive rights. Unless any statements are made to the contrary, all content (images, texts, files, etc.) is the sole ownership of STUZ-CHSPL (India) Pvt. Ltd. and may not be used/copied without our written consent.
("Stulz") reserves the exclusive right to constantly upgrade/control all the terms and conditions of website, its content/use and any/all information as deemed appropriate.