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STULZ worldwide

Expertise and experience

Air conditioning concepts for individual solutions

STULZ develops individual solutions for optimizing and expanding existing air conditioning systems and building new ones. First of all, STULZ consultants carry out a thorough examination of heat loads, room design and air conduction. Only after this do they design a tailor-made solution. 

What’s more, STULZ engineers have many resources at their disposal: air conditioning systems with recirculating air or liquid cooling, or hybrid systems with intelligent electronic processor for maximum energy efficiency. Other makes are also integrated in the concept, if this makes economic sense.

The STULZ Test Center simulates load conditions even during the planning phase. Ready assembled air conditioning systems undergo an extensive trial in the climatic chamber.

Whether you’re renovating, converting or building – our STULZ specialist engineers work together with planners and system builders to develop intelligent concepts for systems, implementation and service. And a powerful support tool is also available in the form of the StulzSelect design program, which devises detailed possible solutions from just a few parameters.

First aid for the data center

For optimum air distribution, data centers are divided into hot and cold aisles. The cold aisle conveys cool supply air through the raised floor into the server racks, and in the hot aisle, heated return air is fed back to the air conditioning system. If the airflow is blocked or misdirected, the cooling effect is diminished – and power consumption rises. This is caused by: 

  • raised floors clogged up with cables, 
  • air pockets in unoccupied server racks, or 
  • an incorrectly set room temperature.

Like any technical system, data center air conditioning systems require regular maintenance. When individual computers or racks are added to, converted or replaced by units with a higher output, this can be critical. This is because each new heat source changes the heat load distribution, and each new piece of hardware can force the hot and cold airflows out of balance. Output drops, power consumption rises. 

STULZ's server room optimization service banishes flow barriers and hot spots. Unoccupied height units (HU) in server racks are sealed by cover panels. Suggestions are offered on how best to distribute the heat load, raised floors are cleared of cable spaghetti, and operating values are calibrated to the optimum level. Your data center can breathe freely once more, and energy consumption drops.

Lasting efficiency

With the help of thermographic analyses, the STULZ Energy Audit ensures the energy efficient operation of precision air conditioning systems. If measured values deviate from the set points, your air conditioning system is recalibrated. If the cooling capacity is no longer sufficient, STULZ identifies the causes and makes suggestions for a system upgrade. As a competent partner for IT and facility management, STULZ is at your side every step of the way.

Peace of mind for conformity with the law

Legislators and authorities set demanding requirements on the operational safety of air conditioning systems. Plant operators bear full responsibility for compliance with such legislation. Our STULZ consultants know the ins and outs of current refrigerant laws, leak test conditions, fire safety and environmental protection.

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